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Tenant Signage – Frank Sarraco [2013]

ClientFrank Sarraco
Project TypeTenant Signage

Frank Sarraco - Tenant Signange


“I recall when we first started to offer our tenants with a courtesy personalized identification, and not simply use door #s for their clients to locate their Office. It was an opportune time that we met Jasjeet at an associates office. Since then, we have been working with Korova Designs for the Identification signage for our numerous Tenants, most of whom are in IT, Jasjeet creates all our Tenants signage in all or properties.

The response from them is overwelmingly positive. Once we place the Tenants custom signage, most Tenants are so excited that they all want to take pictures next to it. It was very surprising to witness this reaction. It confirmed that the Tenants, no matter what the size, want to be treated in a professional manner, and Identification is top of their list.

The signage that we offer is a courtesy and is technically our property. Once the Tenants leave for larger premises or mergers, they always remove the signage and take it with them. They feel it is a part of their story in the progress of their business.

I’m OK with that.”


Korova Designs is a Montreal-based studio focused on modern creative design solutions designs. From our inception in 2005, we have helped companies brand spaces with unique material design.

9500 Meilleur, Suite 503,
Montreal, QC

T. 1-514-458-2584E.